SEO Tips #2: How to Get On the First Page of Google Quickly?

How to Get On the First Page of Google Quickly?
Hello, in this article I will tell you how to get on the first page of Google quickly. Early, I have ever thought that get on the first page of Google is not too important. But in fact, it’s very important. Why? Because I will get more visitor. I will get more responses. And it makes me more spirit for write more.
And after that I start to learn about SEO. SEO is the best way for my problem. There are whitehat and blackhat SEO. Honestly, I have ever used blackhat SEO. But now, I always use whitehat. Because its more naturally. This makes Google more believing your site.
So, these are my way:
Create original content.
Yeah, don’t ever copy someone else posts. You will copy the idea, but not all of the post.
Use keyword.
Research what they want and need. Get the keywords and use those keywords in your text.
Use descriptions.
Don’t forget to add the descriptions in all of images on your post.
Use headers.
Use headers in all of your text and add the keywords too.
Social network.
Share your post to social network. Because they don’t ever find your post if you never share these.
No need to use blackhat SEO, you can get on the first page of Google. I hope it will be useful, good luck.