SEO Tips - Optimize Your e-Commerce and Get More Sales

SEO Tips – Optimize Your e-Commerce and Get More Sales

Why You Should Optimize Your e-Commerce?

There was no denying the influence of SEO for ecommerce sites. SEO and digital marketing seems to have become a part that can not be separated again. If you are not using SEO and still use your old tricks, then you should quit the online business. Because you will not be able to compete face competition in the online business SEO experts who have reversed their online stores.

To implement SEO on your online business, there are many articles on Google about it. Or maybe this article can help you SEO Tips – Small Business Owners Should Know.

How to Optimize Your e-Commerce and Get More Sales?

If you have implemented your SEO in eCommerce, I’m sure your sales increase. But if you do not optimize your SEO, your sales will probably remain as the only, or even decreased. Therefore, in this article I will discuss about how to optimize your ecommerce and get an increase in sales.

Write More Copy in Your Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are at the heart of an e-commerce site. Nearly every customer who converts on a product will do so only after reading the product description. If your product description is bland, undescriptive, unemotional, boring, or otherwise uninspiring, it is less likely that a customer will buy your product.

What should you do? Write more copy. Don’t just list the article; describe it. Write about it. Explain how to use it. Discuss its advantages.

Powerful product descriptions will make people want to buy.

There’s another major advantage in producing longer product descriptions: SEO. More copy is better for search engines. The more copy you write, the higher your likelihood of appearing and ranking in search engines.

We know that Google doesn’t like thin content. Thin content pages are those that don’t have enough copy. What is “enough” copy? There’s no single definition. After all, this isn’t a word count issue. This is a user experience issue. Write enough content so that users can understand and engage with the product.

Write Unique Product Descriptions

You should also make your product descriptions unique. Every product needs its own copy, distinct from anything else on the web.

I see retailers make this mistake happen all the time. Product descriptions are exactly the same on two different sites.

Make Your Images Bigger

Generally speaking, larger product images improve your conversion rates.

When you make images larger, it helps shoppers gain a closer look and better experience of the product. Pictures are more effective than words at engaging attention and capturing users’ interest. When you make your images nice and big, it forces the user to pay attention and encourages them to convert.

Focus on the Primary Keyword for the Page Title

What’s the one thing on a product page that is most important for SEO? It’s your title tag.

The title tag is a short line of meta copy. Every single page should have a title. Every title should be different. And every title matters for SEO.

The title tag is the first thing a web crawler looks at when it indexes your page. In order to provide the most relevant and meaningful content, search engines prefer pages with optimized titles.

Reduce Options

It’s common to think that more products mean more sales, that wider choices mean a broader array of customers, and to assume that more is generally better. That’s not necessarily true.

As proven in multiple studies, more choice actually reduces conversions.

When I say options, I’m referring to the options for just about everything. Let’s take something common as an example — form options.

The more fields you have in a form, the less conversions you’ll get. Ask for a telephone number, and you lose 5% of conversions. Ask for an address, and you lop off another 4%. Want their age? There goes another 3% of your conversions.

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